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11th edition - September / 2015

Geopark Araripe It will host the

photo exhibition "The grace of Heron"

The exhibition "The grace of Heron" doing Photographer, Research Professor and Christopher Teixeira, A member of the Collective Comrades and Photo Crato, that make up the Collective Network will take place on September 24 period until October 23, 2015, the Administrative Office of the Geopark Araripe no county Crato / CE.


It accounts this event with the collection of 30 photos, FROM make photographic record of herons What do Ninhal IS LOCATED Between Salgadinho River and Avenida Padre Cicero, to the side of the center of the Pilgrims in Juazeiro / CE. HAS photos as objective as bringing a problematic Discussion of the Environment and the issue of urbanization, as the man behaving COMES WITH Environment and interfering OF habitat for animals. As COMES herons adapting amid By dump. Photographer recorded THIS Hidden Beauty in the Midst of dirt, with the goal of provoking a reflection and questioning On the que of people through the pictures with a "Grace Heron".

Geopark Araripe becomes a member of the Association

of Defense of the Geological and Mining Heritage

At the last General Assembly of members of the Association of Defense of the Geological Heritage and Mining (AGEOBRH), which took place on 10 September in sheets / BA, the Geopark Araripe was invited to join the Association, as member of the Supervisory Board.


The AGeoBRh is an association created by and for those interested in the themes of Geodiversity, Geoconservation, Geotourism and Heritage Geological and Mining. Your goal is to bring together those concerned about the loss of the country's memory and her best tools for training young researchers, scientists and professionals in the fields of Earth Sciences and her akin, in order to develop these themes in Brazil and promote protection of relevant outcrops and exposures, especially those that are connected with the identity or support the survival and income generation in the communities around.

The AGeoBRh was discussed in several Thematic Symposiums the Congress of Geology Brazilians since 2006, Geoparks in events in Latin America, and Symposia Geological Heritage of Brazilians. In the second of them, in Ouro Preto - MG in 2013 was the organization's founding meeting, and the appointment of an interim board to organize the initial proposal regiments and legalization until the next event in 2015.

This year, during the III Symposium of Geological Heritage or III GeoBRheritage, began the consolidation entity with its affiliation process. All those who signed the Act of Foundation are founding partners. Now, they start to contribute to the resolution of red tape with the first Board of Directors election. This occurred on the 12th, when the representative of the Geopark Araripe, Giane Taeko, joined the Association at the invitation of the Founding Partners.


To discuss issues related to the intention of the AGeoBRh and other for the next Symposium GeoBRheritage, which will be in Ponta Grossa / PR in 2017, the board was composed as follows:
Executive Coordinator: Gilson Burigo Guimarães - PR (General Coordinator) = Marcos Antonio Leite Nascimento - RN (Vice Chairperson), Marjorie Cseko Nolasco - BA (Coordinating Secretary), Katia Milk Mansur - RJ (Treasurer Coordinator), Andrew Weissheiner Borba - RS (Alternate), Annabel Perez Aguilar - SP (Alternate), Ricardo Galen Fraga Araújo Pereira - BA (Supervisory Board Effective), Ursula Ruchkys de Azevedo - MG (Supervisory Board Effective), Giane Taeko Mori Rodella - CE (Effective Supervisory Board ) and Carlos Augusto Peixoto Brazil - RS (Supervisory Board / Alternate).


The inscription on the Association may be made regardless of academic background, because the goal is to bring together people with common interests to protect the geological and mining heritage, as stated.

"Young Paleontologists" Project resumes
in Nova Olinda / CE

2012 to mid-2014, was developed in the Geopark Araripe the project "Young Paleontologists", whose target audience was composed of 12 high school students from schools in the city of Santana do Cariri (where are located the Museum of Paleontology Regional University cariri and Geosites: Park Pterosaurs and Pontal de Santa Cruz).


The objectives of the "Young paleontologists," devised by the Executive Director of the Geopark Araripe, Francisco Idalécio Freitas, were to identify and work the importance of fossils from the sedimentary basin of Araripe and his donation to the Museum of Paleontology URCA, highlighting the strengthening the identity of the territory of the Geopark Araripe, as geoconservation actions.


The young multipliers of geoconservation awareness and the importance of delivery of fossils to the museum display were thus enabled this theme during the project. It was then created the "Donation Form" to recognize and value the Cariri Stone workers who execute the delivery activity of the paleontological material and the Young Paleontologists contributed to the realization of this work, since as the Geopark Araripe partners.

Since then, more than 2,700 fossils have been delivered to the museum and to this day the workers of Cariri Stone (Geosite located in the municipality Nova Olinda / EC, neighbor to Santana do Cariri) donate fossil that they recognize as new to the Museum.


Recognizing this initiative, an action that was positive was recently created another project with similar sequence. Popularly called "Shed of Knowledge", this project has goals similar to the first, except that this time will have as target audience, the workers of Cariri stone. How many of them are illiterate, the "Shed of Knowledge" which is supported by the owner of the mining company and the Department of Education of the Municipality of Nova Olinda, objective work literacy / literacy and technical training on geology, biodiversity and Paleontology Sedimentary Basin Araripe these workers. Building with them the dignity of being able to read and specialty are technical guides for numerous site visitors. Thus, according to Francisco Idalécio, "this project is a more specific restructuring of 'Young Paleontologists'".




During the Third Symposium of Geological Heritage / III GeoBRheritage, the Communication Araripe Geopark had the pleasant surprise to find a former member of the project "Young Paleontologists", developed from 2012 to mid-2014, in the municipality of Santana do Cariri. At the time, we took the opportunity to interview her and know about their recent achievements with regard to studies, along with his recent working partner, Amanda Moreira Sá and rescue his memory about the time that participated in the project.


LETÍCIA: Leticia Lacerda Freire


(CGA): In which period you participated in the project "Young Paleontologists"?
LETÍCIA: 2012 to 2013. A year.


(CGA): Currently, what do you study?
LETÍCIA: I do Environmental Engineering at the Federal Institute of Ceará, in Juazeiro do Norte Campus.


(CGA): What is the title of his panel presented here at this event?
LETÍCIA: Action Plan for the Environmental Diagnosis in Limestone extraction of Mines Laminate, in the Sedimentary Basin of Araripe.


(CGA): "Translating" this title to lay ...?
LETÍCIA: [laughs] This work is a step in a larger project, whose ultimate goal is to develop an Environmental Management System. And the Project name is Angaturama. This name was given to the project because of the fossils found in the Araripe Basin was Angaturama limai. And the name "Angaturama" means protective spirit. And one of our goals is to protect the heritage, protect the region [Araripe] being explored. Then, to prepare an Environmental Management System there is a standard which is ISO 1401, that "tells" the guidelines and the steps to follow. And one of the steps is the "Plan of Action" planning in which to identify the environmental aspects. So first we made a few visits, literature review, consultation with agencies responsible for extraction, to collect data on the primary environmental aspects. And then we chose the impacts related to the health of workers, parameters, impacts related to economic sector, even has a suggestion to create a certification for miners (for the entrepreneur to participate) and the direct environmental impacts of the areas already degraded and the amount of water and energy is spent during the mineral extraction process (...). Therefore, this work that we brought here, has all the methodology, all parameters we choose to act in the management system.


(CGA): The idea of ​​certification for miners already exists, right?
LETÍCIA: Yes, there is the idea, but has not been implemented yet because missing parameters to be set. And our work can contribute to this.


(CGA): Do you personally believe that certification is a way to build the idea of ​​environmental protection starting from the workers themselves of Cariri Stone? Because?
LETÍCIA: Yes. Because the worker's license is one of the requirements of certification and this can attract entrepreneurs who condone with the "Green Marketing".


(CGA): What about the project "Young paleontologists," what contribution you get from personal experience?
LETÍCIA: When I joined the project, I was in high school and has enjoyed the environmental area and also lived in the region that had the extraction of limestone laminate. But had no view of the scale of the process, the environmental impacts occurring, because of the size of the mining activity. There was an awakening very important both now in the fifth semester of Engineering I went back there to check these things, because it was also one of the first jobs I did [Young Paleontologists] and that motivated me for the academic world (...) bring environmental education to the proposal to value the worker Cariri Stone, for me it was very interesting.


(CGA): And as "came" Amanda?
LETÍCIA: [laughs] Amanda, I met her in the Environmental Engineering Course and I told her about the project "Young Paleontologists" I was presenting the situation in the region for her, the work that I developed there and she was interested and engaged this project [of the Environmental Engineering course] and today she is with us in the actions of the Plan and Management System.


(CGA): Amanda, to add greater value to what Leticia told us about their participation in the Geopark Project, tells us: where you came from? Why is it important for us Araripe Geopark publicize it, a person who was reached by a "young paleontologist," which was multiplying, right?

AMANDA: I live in Crato and there does not have this Mining activity and I had no contact with this view, with the prospect of these actions. Hence, when I entered the course and I met Leticia, we did some courses in common, for example one that was at the Open University of the Northeast, on sustainability, that's when we saw that there were common issues. And he had also participated in work on ICMBio with projects, that even during the primary and secondary schools. So, we were talking and ideas have emerged to work in pairs. And we have several other projects together like this presented here. It has an on composting, we have fellowship to work in the sanitation area: Sewage Treatment. It is ... to monitor Juazeiro stabilization ponds ... Got it? So, we have other projects together in other areas! (...)

(CGA): And the scholarship you mentioned is for ...?

AMANDA: The Le has scholarship from the Federal Institute to study on the degradation of organic matter and I have a scholarship to the Pathogenic Microorganisms removal in stabilization ponds. We both have purse PROBEC at the Federal Institute of Ceará.

Interns perform technical visit to
geosites the territory of the Geopark Araripe

On 10 and 11 October the Geopark Araripe, with the support of SEST SENAT in the disclosure of the communication media: TV Verdes Mares Cariri and G1 News Portal, a technical visit of the new trainees Geopark to geosites was held. The objective was to promote the training of those in loco trainees.


The activities started on the 10th were marked by visits geosites West roadmap comprising the Old Mission waterfall in the municipality of Old Mission and geosite Petrified Forest, the city of Milagres / EC; the Colina do Horto geosite in Juazeiro and Middle Creek, a place that is the Habitat of the Soldier Araripe, endemic bird and symbol of geosite. During the visit the trainees were able to see in practice the real meaning of geosites for the region in which they live and their importance to territorial development (tourism, cultural and educational).


On the second day, visit the script had a character more of a scientific nature. With the support of Professor Dr. Francisco Álamo Feitosa (Palaeontology), trainees Araripe Geopark could clarify many doubts about the East roadmap geosites comprising the municipalities of Nova Olinda, which are situated geosites Stone Bridge and Stone Cariri and the municipality of Santana do Cariri where the Museum of Paleontology URCA and the Geosite Park Pterosaurs and Pontal de Santa Cruz.

At the Parc des Pterosaurs, the trainees had the first contact with the digging and learned about the stratigraphy of the site, the geological formation and the types of fossils that can be found there.


On that day, although there was the visit to the site Fundão, where is situated the potato plants geosite in muncipio of Crato, a place that is marked by a rich biodiversity of fauna and flora.

Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team- 11th Edition


Textual Production

Bruna Almeida de Oliveira (intern of the Communication Sector)

Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)

Yara  Mabele (intern of the Communication Sector)

Carlos Almeida  (intern of the Communication Sector)

Simone Oliveira

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Acervo do Geopark Araripe



Carlos Robério



International Relations Office of URCA - ARI

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