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12th edition - may / 2016

Strategy of Regional University Cariri Fecop With The Initiation Verba Warrant Grants For Scientific Geopark Araripe

In previous editions, the Newsletter of the Geopark Araripe disclose the selection process and the first actions of Fellows PIBIC / Geopark Araripe (Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation). In this, it is necessary to say that the payment of grants to university members of the program is the result of a strategy of the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) with the investment of the State Fund to Combat Poverty (FECOP).

The FECOP was created in order to alleviate the great economic differences of the population, from the perspective of people's state of economic growth.

In total, they have been invested in PIBIC / Araripe Geopark, R $ 54,000.00, distributed 15 bags of R $ 400 in the period of 9 months (April-December 2016).

According to the Pro-Rector of Graduate Studies and Research (PRPGP / URCA), Dr. Allysson Pontes Pinheiro, "this was an administrative strategy of the university to meet the priority actions within the URCA, and the Araripe Geopark is a priority, it is space for research and in this context can be a source of academic and personal growth to students who met the profile of both the FECOP as for Scientific Initiation of research. "

Impressions Of A Visitor Luso On Belgian Territory Geopark Araripe

The territory of the Geopark Araripe received last April 21 the visit of Mr. Felipe Cardoso, Portuguese nationality and residence Belgian - Brussels. The same was to guide Vera Torres, Nilton Alves and Jessica Pinheiro. The guides led him to all geosites territory. Sir Philip reports that had "the great pleasure of visiting the nine Geosites Araripe Geopark for a week." He also thanked "the great professionalism of technicians guide Tourism, Nilton Alves, Jessica Pinheiro and Verinha Torres by knowledge transmitted from each geosite and above all the enormous sympathy for each one. "

Satisfied with the visit, the Belgian Portuguese charming also said later by e-mail: "Personally, I acquired and rather increased my knowledge in paleontology and geology, and also be interested in the found evidence and evidence of the first humans who populated the territory now is our Brazil. it was a great pleasure to be at the place where millions of years ago (and puts millions it) existed and animal forest life and where the traces were recorded in the found and studied fossils. You can not miss the visit of the Museum . of Paleontology in Santana do Cariri to view the findings and understand the explanations like the Casa Grande Foundation:. Memorial Kariri Man for those who enjoy walking, it is recommended to the trails and enjoy the beautiful look of the high lookouts the plateau Araripe.


I sincerely hope that many people from all over Brazil can visit and enjoy this wonderful place of Ceara is the Araripe Geopark, cities, culture and festivals and get the blessing of Father Cicero in Colina do Horto, in Juazeiro From north".

Ciclotur Project Araripe A Bicycle Trip By

Territory Geopark Araripe

Created by the Group Eco Biker's, this project has been outstanding for encouraging nature tourism in Cariri Region. With the support of SEBRAE, the script creates business alternatives in various tourism sectors. Recently, the project received an award from the Ministry of Tourism, being among the best good practices of tourism in Brazil.

The script is to integrate the six municipalities that make up the territory of the Geopark Araripe. They are: Crato, Nova Olinda, Santana do Cariri, Barbalha, Missão Velha and Juazeiro. Traveling by bike paths and trails, knowing beyond Geosites, the culture of Kariri people, crafts, cuisine and hospitality.


The Thresh is a receptive tourism company with experience and knowledge on the trails of the Araripe. And it offers services ranging from a simple consulting to assembling a "cicloviagem" tailored. During the days 22, 23 and 24 April, there was a FAMTUR when about 30 cyclists guests, coming from various parts of Brazil, walked the trails, knowing the script functionality.

Participants took with a credential (passport), and each attraction visited was designed a stamp allusive, and at the end of every journey the organization of FAMTUR / Ciclotur delivered a certificate of completion of the script.


This is just another step in the realization of this route Cicloturística a work begun earlier by the Group Eco Biker's. And this action was only possible thanks to the support of partner companies and institutions such as:

Hotel Brisa da Serra, Hotel Encosta da Serra, Iu will Hotel, Restaurant and Hotel das Fontes Caldas, Green Valleys Leisure Hotel and Restaurant and Bakery Corner Green, Araripe Geopark, ICMBio, SEBRAE, SEST SENAT, Eco Biker's, Beati NGO , AQUASSIS, KARIUS Institute Foundation and Casa Grande.

Petrified Heart

Last week, the press reported the results of research on the heart fossilized in three dimensions and perfectly preserved, the Rhacolepis fish aged approximately 113 to 119 million years of and found in Brazil, in the territory of Araripe Geopark.

In interview given to the Intern of the Geopark Araripe Communication Sector, Bruna Almeida, one of the researchers of the group met and reviewed the hearts Francisco idalecio Freitas, can tell more details about the finding, the research process the and future expectations for the science from that historic moment for Palaeontology:
Bruna Almeida: How was the process until the discovery of the fossil?

Francisco Idalécio: At first, she has been working on this research for 10 years, because in a conversation with José Xavier Neto, medical researcher at Unicamp [University of Campinas] in congenital heart disease, we (...) entered the subject of " fossil ", the issue of quality of fossils in sedimentary Araripe Basin.

And he asked which one would find in a better state of preservation. And I said: The Vertebrates! So I invited him to know the Sedimentary Basin of Araripe, in addition to the DNPM and the Santana fossil Museum of Cariri. There could show some fossils and he became interested in Rhacolepis, the only one who fossilize in 3D. So we set off for the second part of the research was to get some copies ... around 63 along with all the DNPM licenses. 

Of these 63, only 5 had the desired characteristics, which were the "soft parts" preserved: heart, arteries, stomach remains well preserved. They were taken to Unicamp, to perform high-resolution tomography. Then to France to undergo other procedures. This type of fossil was found in Nova Olinda, Gateshead and Garden. The "heart petrified" was found in the city of Garden / EC, the heart of prehistoric fish has 5 valves. And this research will contribute to congenital heart disease.

Tourism In Cariri Region Back To Grow

Tourism in Cariri Region increased again. According to the Hotel Chain of Juazeiro municipality, there was a considerable increase in projects in the city, which has intensified the arrival of people from the corporate sector. Consequent, Culinary Sector also increased their profits, besides, who test the delights "hinterland" does not forget and always comes back.

The partnership of local hotels with Araripe Geopark has helped drive this growth going to attract larger and stakeholders to know the riches and natural beauty of the Araripe.


Another fact confirmed by recent research by Hospitality Network, growth of religious tourism and pilgrimages. For marketers it has been a surprise since the pilgrims began to come at other times to the city, in addition to those previously traditional. The economy keeps that point in big festivals the number of visitors decreased, but in different and smaller pilgrimages dates increased, which ultimately better distributing income for traders throughout the year.

Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team- 12th Edition


Textual Production

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella 

Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Yara Mabelle (intern communication sector)

Colaborations: Ernesto Rocha e Vera Torres



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (Interno del Sector de Comunicación)

Vera Torres 

Acervo Geopark Araripe



Carlos Robério

Anderson Carlos (colaborador) 


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