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13ª edition - may / 2016

Tribute To The Trainees Geopark Araripe

The Araripe GeoPark family applauds this first note of the 13th edition of GeoNews successfully votes to all trainees who ended their contracts this semester, which greatly contributed to the internal and external actions of the Araripe Geopark.Trainee, much more than apprentice in Araripe GeoPark learn while contributing significantly and leaves a bit of its history, while also builds the story of the "family" GeoPark Araripe.


Thus, this tribute is for:


Yara Mabele Rodrigues da Silva (Sector Communications)

Carlos Almeida de Sá (Sector Communications)

Maria Jose Alves de Castro (Sector Environmental Education)

Maria Aparecida Braga Neris (Territorial Development Sector)

Mazinho Valdemar Viana (Sector Geoconservaçãol)

Franciely Feitosa Nascimento (Sector Environmental Education)

Antônio Nelson Araujo (Sector Environmental Education)

Cicero Joverlânio Sousa e Silva (Ed Sector. Environmental)

Kaio Rolim Sobreira (Ed Sector. Environmental)


Sincere thanks!​

"Dialogue" Cultural And Religious Between Geopark Araripe And Design Geopark Seridó / RN

In basil community, located next Brazilian GeoPark to join UNESCO, Geopark Project Seridó, there is a small chapel that keeps the story of a well. The well was built by a resident who was asking for aid to Father Cicero upon arriving at Juazeiro, municipality where is located the geosite Hill Garden Araripe Geopark.


So "Padin" sends the resident return and dig a pit to 40m from the door of her house, in the certainty that would water. Upon returning, the man digging the pit and the names like "Jacob's Well". The fact that spreads throughout the region and is now frequently visiting point, because in addition to being found under "mystical" circumstances, is 112 years ago without drying. At the time of counseling, Padre Cicero asked the resident who never deny water to those who ask, and it was done.


Those who visit the city of Cerro Korah, the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte, is faced with many natural beauties and with this religious attraction. And the curiosity among the two geoparks marks the cultural and religious dialogue that unites the two Geoparks even as far away geographically.

National Araripe And Its 70 Years Forest

The National Forest Araripe (FLONA) was established on May 2, 1946, through Decree Law No. 9226, signed by President Eurico Gaspar Dutra, becoming recognized since then as the first national forest in Brazil. The protected area covers the municipalities of Ceará Barbalha, Crato, Jardim, Missão Velha and Santana do Cariri and is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio).


The main goals of the "creation" of FLONA were:


· To contribute to the maintenance of biological diversity and genetic resources;


· Protect and provide means and incentives for scientific research activities, studies and environmental

monitoring of endangered species;


· Promoting sustainable development from the natural resources available;


· Protect and restore the water and soil resources;


· Enhancing economic and socially biological diversity.


On the occasion of the 70th birthday of the decree that recognized and formalized the objectives of this creation, Araripe GeoPark was represented by its Executive Secretary, Nivaldo Soares de Almeida.

Partnership Of Federal University Cariri - PET Program - Generating New Geopark Logo Araripe

The Tutorial Education Program (PET) is an institutionally program carried the Dean of Undergraduate the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) and for groups of students who have an interest, skill and potential highlighted in the areas of design and webdesign. The program operates on graduation from the development of collective activities, interdisciplinary and involve research, teaching and extension. The program aims to promote the involvement of the group members for the multiplication of ideas and teaching practices. The promotion of education, research and extension is essential to the overall formation of the student, who should be able to perform actions that benefit all sectors of sociedade.Por these characteristics of PET, UFCA requested academic internship vacancy in the Geopark Araripe and the first result was the merger between the UNESCO marks with Araripe Geopark. This action was necessary because since December 2015, Geoparks in the world that formed the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) now represent the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


PET trainees should also develop Stamp Commemorating 10 years Araripe and sign the visual arts of the Geopark exhibition on Pulses, which will take place in July this year, during the Fair of Crato Agricultural Exhibition (EXPOCRATO).

Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team - 13ª Edition / 2016


Textual Production

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella 

Bruna Almeida (Intern communication sector)

Colaborations: Nivaldo Soares 

                       Prof. Dr. Marcos Nascimento (UFRN/Geoparque Seridó)



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (Intern communication sector)

Nivaldo Soares

Acervo Geopark Araripe



Carlos Robério

Anderson Carlos (colaborador) 


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