14th edition - October / 2015
Geopark Araripe receives technical visit of the
"Geopark Ways of the South Canyons" project
Team that makes up the "Geopark South Canyons" project
Visitors approaches made by the coordinator of Geopark Araripe, Idalécio Francisco de Freitas, on the areas that comprise the territory of the Geopark
Members of the Geopark Araripe and visitors of the "Geopark South Canyons" project
Team that makes up the "Geopark South Canyons" project
During the days 05-08 October, the territory of Araripe Geopark received the visit of the technical team that makes up the project "Geopark Canyons of the South", a nominee of the Geopark Araripe consultant geologist Flavia Lima.
The team aims to experience the realities of other Geoparks in order to bring the experiences that are going well in Brazil, for your canditado project. In addition to learning about the difficulties of such geoparks as well.
Visitors were: Leila Maria Vasquez Beltran (Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, dingy campus), Mauricio Dalpiaz Melo (Federal Institute Santa Catarina, Araranguá campus), educational institutions, teachers, research and extension project partners Geopark Paths of South Canyons and members the Scientific Committee that makes up the governance process for the construction of the project. Tarcísio Roldão da Rosa, a professor at the School of Basic Education Bulcão Viana, a member of the Association of Ecotourism Grande Beach and master's degree from the University of the State of Santa Catarina - which develops theme of research on the construction of the candidate country. Sung Chen Lin, Education Specialist of Santa Catarina education system, an official in the Regional Development Secretariat of Araranguá and together with Cristiane Belessimo the Association of municipalities of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina, coordinate the governance process for the construction of the project "Geopark Ways of the South Cânyons "
The coordination team also has more 5 people: one geologist, an administrator, one scavenging of financial resources, a communicator and a tour of the person, such as Cristiane Belessimo. She is also a member of the State Board of Tourism of Santa Catarina.
The aspiring "Geopark" has the mission of improving the quality of life of people inhabiting the territory where it is located, submitting subsequently a proposal to the GGN / UNESCO, as a model of sustainable development through a geotourism.
Visitors approaches made by the coordinator of Geopark Araripe, Idalécio Francisco de Freitas, on the areas that comprise the territory of the Geopark.
In other words, valuing the natural, cultural and geological heritage, promoting local tourism, adding environmental education activities and Geoconservation the territory. The "Geopark Ways of the Southern Canyons" project has delimitation aproxidamente 2800 km², comtemplando in all seven municipalities.
According to the Educator Sung Chen Lin, a visit to the Geopark Araripe left imprenssões great for the team. Many were the compliments to the structure of the Administrative Headquarters, materials that facilitate interaction with the public and how is the exhibition of local wealth and the professionals that make up the overall coordination in Araripe Geopark. In this regard, it is noteworthy that the Araripe Geopark is characterized by a team of employees assigned by Regional University of Cariri (URCA), such as technicians and teachers, trainees who are fellows Dean of Student Affairs (PROAE) and the Dean of Extension (PROEX), and employees transferred by municipal governments that make up the territory of the Geopark Araripe.
Also in his speech, the educator said that this organization Araripe Geopark will be the reference point for the team of Santa Catarina wants to achieve while Geopark.
Field class in geosite "Riacho do Meio"
Geosite track "Riacho do Meio"
Geosite track "Riacho do Meio"
One of the sources of the Geosite "Riacho do Meio"
Geosite track "Riacho do Meio"
Students of law schools, Language and Pedagogy of the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) held this Saturday, October 3, 2015, a field school in Geosite Riacho do Meio in Barbalha given by Professor and Coordinator of the Environmental Education Sector Geopark Araripe, Maria Neume Clemente Galvão.
The class was announced on TV Verdes Mares Cariri.
This geosite is characterized by having a unique biodiversity, which we can highlight the fresh water springs and the presence of the bird symbol of our region, the Soldier Araripe.
The class had as main objective to show the importance of this site and its preservation for our region, as well as prepare students to minister classes in that type of environment that offers natural teaching resources to be worked, for example, visually impaired children, where they can feel textures, sounds and different aromas, which are proper to that environment.
The headquarters of the Geopark Araripe as classroom
Hall headquarters of the Geopark Araripe
Model of the profile of the Araripe Sedimentary Basin
Fossils exposed at the headquarters of Geopark Araripe
Hall headquarters of the Geopark Araripe
On the afternoon of 05 October, Professor and Director, Center for Humanities at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Lireida Albuquerque, brought his students to a class of "field".
Students are part of the URCA Geography course and were able to learn from the materials available in the Administrative Office of the Geopark Araripe, about fossils, the Chapada do through the exposed model and analyze the stratigraphy of the Araripe Sedimentary Basin, also in the model available on site.
Note that the Administrative Office of the Geopark Araripe is always open to students, teachers and other community members for activities like this!
III Brazilian Meeting of Research in Culture
The territory of the Geopark Araripe is characterized by its people, in a peculiar way with regard to the diverse cultural aspects. Among these aspects, it is worth mentioning the Epiphany, the Cabaçais Bands, the pilgrims of Padre Cicero ...
It is therefore with great satisfaction that the Geopark Araripe Communication Sector announces the "III Brazilian Meeting of Research on Culture", to be held for the first time in the Northeast.
The event aims to bring together researchers from the field of culture, institutions, agents for debate and fostering opportunities for research in this field of activity.
The event will take place between 8:10 October at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), campus pepper in the Auditorium of Geopark Araripe and REFSA.
The program includes presentation of work, round table meeting with researchers, book launches and shows.
"The III Brazilian Meeting of Research on Culture" has the support of the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), Araripe Geopark, the Crato City Hall (EC), the CAPES, the Adufc, the SESC and the Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste Cariri.
More information at: ebpc.ufca.edu.br/
Geopark Araripe Team
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Mananging Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
José Adriano Cruz Saraiva
Edvania Ferreira Dantas
Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo
Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson de Lacerda
Culture Sector
Jeania de Brito Gonçalves
Communication Sector
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Geonews Drafting Team- 14th Edition
Textual Production
Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Neuma Galvão
Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Acervo Geopark Araripe
Carlos Robério
International Relations Office of URCA - ARI
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