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15th edition - October / 2015

Crato Historical Museum
reopens all spaces for visitation

The Geopark Araripe, while diffuser educational and cultural practices, announces that the Crato municipality Historical Museum, where is located the Geosite potato plants and the Administrative Office of the Araripe Geopark, is open since October 2013. And recently all spaces were reopened and schools, tourists, local community can already visit.


Previously, the building that today is the Crato Historical Museum, the Legislature worked on the top floor and in the bottom, the City Jail. Therefore, the building still preserves the bars on the windows and doors.


The Museum contains various objects that tell the story of Crato, which were donated by their former residents. There are artifacts from the Cariris Indians (native peoples around the county) that were found by researchers in the region, as objects of personalities who have become important to the Crato due to its political and artistic engagement.


The collection comprises therefore, guns, machines of a century old, instruments used by Cariris Indians, objects that belonged to Barbara de Alencar (heroine of Cratenses for his political involvement to Cariri improvements during the nineteenth century), paintings by Crato artists, sculptures etc.

One of the pieces that draws the most attention is a whale vertebra, which was brought by a former resident of Crato to the Museum. It is believed to be the bones of the whale, as legend has it, lived below the Se Cathedral. Another curiosity is that the Museum there is a group that studies and interprets the language of the indigenous people Cariri.


Location: center of the city of Crato, next to the Cathedral Square.
Opening hours: weekdays from 9h to 17h.
Director of Crato Historical Museum: Ricky Seabra.

Flag's Wood of St. Anthony Fest
becomes national intangible heritage

Flag's Wood of St. Anthony Fest Celebration in Barbalha / CE became National Intangible Heritage recognized by the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage - IPHAN. That was a resulting achievement of the work of researchers at the Regional University of Cariri / URCA, which participated fully in the research, with the city of Barbalha and IPHAN always aiming at the insertion of the Feast of St. Anthony in the National Inventory of Cultural References - INRC.


This party is tradition in the town of Barbalha, a city that is part of the territory of the Geopark Araripe and therefore has its cultural manifestations, derived from the traditions of the people of this community. There it finds the Geosite Riacho do Meio, which is habitat of endemic species, the Soldier Araripe. In addition to natural sources of water, the local account of the history of bandits in the northeast.


Every year the "Flag's Wood of St. Anthony Fest" attracts thousands of people to the celebrations. Has important national importance because guard at its roots the memory and identity of a whole society, part of a charming Northeast, which, each year new generations update without losing the essence. The affirmation of the identity of the population of Barbalha / CE.

Field class in geosite "Petrified Forest"
it has coverage of TV Verdes Mares Cariri

On the morning of October 9, 2015, students of elementary school Juvenal Rodrigues Brandão's Old Mission municipality conducted a field class in Geosite Petrified Forest.


Professor Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão, who is also coordinator of the Environmental Araripe Geopark Education Sector, along with trainees in the crowded Old Mission municipality, were the mediators of class. Visit / field class was also accompanied by the affiliate of Rede Globo, TV Verdes Mares Cariri, a partner company of Araripe Geopark. During the stay of students in Geosite, along with the teacher trainees Araripe Geopark explained about the geological aspects and on fossil trunks found everywhere there.


Geosite that can be found fossils from 140 to 145 million years ago. It is considered by many scholars as a geosite of great scientific importance for the academic world and is the scene of several surveys conducted by the Federal University of Ceará, Federal Institute, Regional University of Cariri, among others, even from other states and countries.

Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team- 15th Edition


Textual Production

Setor de Comunicação Geopark Araripe



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)

Barbalha Prefecture Collection



Carlos Robério



International Relations Office of URCA - ARI

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