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2th Edition - February/ 2016

SERIES: Small Entrepreneurs in Cariri

Cultural Master Noza center and the Association of North Juazeiro Artisans

From this issue , we will begin a series of stories about small entrepreneurs of the Araripe Geopark Territory , covering every municipality where are the geosites . The first note depicts an initiative of handicrafts in wood, in the city of Juazeiro ( Geosite Hill Garden ) . Always check our newsletter and follow us on Instagram geoparkararipe , Twitter #GeoparkAraripe and FanPage Facebook.


Cultural Master Noza center and the Association of North Juazeiro Artisans

The Association of Artisans of the Cultural Master Noza Center was created to represent all handicraft producers in the city of Juazeiro, this is also responsible for the acquisition and distribution of raw materials and management of direct sales of craft production, mainly in wood. The production of the artisans is exposed and marketed in the Cultural Center Popular Master Noza. They have on average 120 people involved, that reach a monthly income of R $ 1,000 to R $ 1.500. According to data collected on site, it is estimated that, on average, 90 families are benefiting directly from this monthly income.



The Cultural Center Master Noza, workspace of Craftsman Association, still has the "Living Culture Project of the Master artisans Noza" who came to consolidate partnerships; streamline the space making it better for the various forms of cultural events; strengthening activities with students from public schools and the elderly, with the purpose of the perpetuation of various forms of cultural events; valuing the work of local artisans.


The Association aims to ensure the stability of artisans through their participation in the production process, presentation and dissemination to the public, in addition to the ecological awareness work through the use of 100% reforested wood, and is therefore able to generate income sustainably.The Cultural Center Master Noza is currently located in St. Louis Street, 95 Centro, Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil. Juazeiro is considered as a center of cultural events driven by popular piety and the great figure who was Father Cicero. For more information please Contactwith (88) 3511-3133.

Mini Course of Fossil Geopark Replica Araripe

On 16 and 17 February, the Environmental Education Sector Geopark Araripe, held a Mini Course on replicas of fossils of the Sedimentary Basin of Araripe students of the Rural Federal University of Pernambuco - UFRPE, unit Serra Talhada- UAST. At the time, the students had the opportunity to learn all the steps of the workshop replica fossils, since the construction of the way, until the mixture mass and withdrawal and termination of the piece in plaster.


These students, José Victor Rocha Oliveira e Sara de Souza Silva are part of the project: "The Paleontology and Geology in schools: fossil replicas and recreational activities with educational tools in primary education." The project is coordinated by Professor Maria das Graças, the UFRPE. The visitation script included dependencies of the Administrative Headquarters of Araripe Geopark, including the Interpretation and Environmental Education Center. This training is accomplished through educational activities that seek to awaken the curiosity and creativity of children, adolescents and adults making use of materials that draw attention to the change of habits in the direction of sustainability and preservation everyday.


The Mini Course also was attended by the students of the Technical Course in Tourism Guide, SENAC / Crato and had the following script: methodology; presentation of the materials used in the construction of molds and replicas of fossils; and the fabrication itself of the molds of silicone rubber.On the second day, there was the production of fossil replicas in plaster and students were able to see the neighboring units also do the same educational work in the community.

Those interested in attending a training like this should contact the Interpretation and Environmental Education Center - CIEA / Crato by calling (88) 3102-3053 and schedule which best day and time for this type of activity.

Fair "Creative Cariri" Announces the Culture Crato County

Happens every month in the city of Crato / CE Geopark headquarters Araripe and where is the Batateiras geosite, the Fair Cariri creative, bringing together artisans, groups and collectives of culture and art, as well as organizations concerned with the theme of "Creative Economy in Cariri ". This event it is a fair that has been held since November 2014, in partnership with the Dean of Culture of the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), SESC, CCBNB and SECULT Crato.


The Fair "Cariri creative" promotes the marketing of products of creative entrepreneurs, which are characterized both by artisans that produce typical pieces of the regional culture, the people who sell specific foods in Northeast Brazil. In addition to offering creative products, the visitor will find at the fair a diverse cultural program during the three days. The program includes presentations of Brazilian popular music, Northeastern, dances, theatrical sketches and others. The event is a promotion for the University of traveling exhibitions and exhibitors are selected for the event that always takes place on the third Saturday of the month at Largo RFFSA (old city center).

Geopark Araripe Recebe Visita de Assessores de Parlamentares

In the last week of January 27th , chairpersons of parliamentary , Vaumik Ribeiro Dantas and Tertius , the Senate , visited the Administrative Office of the Araripe Geopark.


Both were passing by Crato, because the meeting agenda with the Rector of the Cariri Regional University , whose aim was to discuss some projects URCA . After the meeting, we were invited to visit the Geopark Araripe Headquarters and understand a little about the park which covers an area of more than 3000 square kilometers and involving six municipalities of Ceará.


The advisors were received by the Executive Director of the Geopark Araripe , Mr. Francisco Idalécio Freitas and Prof. Doctor Paleontology URCA , Antonio Álamo Feitosa Saraiva.

 Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team- 2th Edition


Textual Production

Yara Mabele Rodrigues (intern communication sector)

Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Acervo Geopark Araripe



Carlos Robério

Carlos Almeida (contributor)



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