20th edition - December / 2015
II Edition of the School Competition GEA Mother Earth!
School band State of Paraiba
Table Composition
Jurors in the category "cordel"
School band State of Paraiba
The Araripe Geopark promoted on the last day 03 the "Contest II School GEA Mother Earth." The event took place in Crato, in the Hall of Acts of the Regional University of Cariri, with the theme "It's the soil that sustains life."
This contest was designed by Arouca Geopark (Portugal) and since the year 2014 is realized by the Geopark Araripe with the participation of UNESCO members. The purpose of the contest is to encourage activities aimed at the study of earth sciences, sustainable development and the dissemination of culture in municipal and state public schools, both elementary school, secondary school as College, in schools that are inserted into the 6 municipalities of the territory of the Geopark Araripe.
Altogether 30 schools participated in the various forms of competition, such as drawings, photographs, essays, poetry twine, puppet theater and video productions. The activities started in the morning, with the delivery of trophies, commendations and honors to the Organizing Committee of the First Edition of the event.
The "II Competition School GEA Motherland" was marked by presentations of works and cultural performances as the play "Friends of Oz", the State School State of Paraíba, one of the champions schools under a "Theatre of dolls" and "Poetry of twine. "
The jury was composed of teachers and experts from specific areas of each modality. Professional photographers, graduates, teachers and doctors contributed to a proper assessment to "competitors".
Schools winners of the II School Contest GEA Mother Earth
Winners of the category "workshop dolls"
Part of the team responsible for organizing
1st place - E.E.E P Welligton Belém de Figueiredo (Nova Olinda/CE)
2nd place - E.E.F.M Padre Luiz Filgueiras (Nova Olinda/CE)
3rd place - E.E.E.P – Professor Moreira de Sousa (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
The "II School Contest GEA Mother Earth" that took place on December 3, 2015, under the theme "For the soil that sustains life" awarded the following schools according to each mode:
1st place - E.E.M Joaquim Valdevino de Brito ( Crato/CE)
2nd place - E.E.F Lourival Dantas Ribeiro (Missão Velha/CE)
3rd place - E.E.M Presidente Geisel (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
1st place - E.E.F Dom Quintino (Crato/CE)
2nd place - E.E.I.M. Tarcilia Cruz Alencar (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
3rd place - E.E.M Presidente Geisel (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
1st place - E.E.E P Welligton Belém de Figueiredo (Nova Olinda/CE)
2nd place - E.E.E.P – Professor Moreira de Sousa (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
3rd place - E.E.F Estado da Paraíba (Crato/CE)
1st place - E.E.E.P Raimundo Saraiva Coelho (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
2nd place - E.E.E P Welligton Belém de Figueiredo (Nova Olinda/CE)
3rd place - E.E.I.F Líder Comunitário Antônio Miguel de Sousa (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
1st place - E.E.F Estado da Paraíba (Crato/CE)
2nd place - E.E.E.P – Professor Moreira de Sousa (Juazeiro do Norte/CE)
3rd place -E.E.F Padre Cristiano Coelho ( Nova Olinda/CE)
I Academic Works Exhibition on
Geopark Araripe: relevance of Stage
Raimundo Pereira in presentation of the project "Vertical Gardens" on the I Academic Works Exhibition on the Geopark Araripe
Osmanda Moura, biology graduate course by URCA and also intern at the Geopark Araripe, in the presentation I Academic Works Exhibition on the Geopark Araripe
Members of the team of engineers and trainees present in the I Academic Works Exhibition on the Geopark Araripe
Raimundo Pereira in presentation of the project "Vertical Gardens" on the I Academic Works Exhibition on the Geopark Araripe
The Geopark Araripe Communication Sector promoted on the last day 07 the event entitled "I Academic Works Exhibition on Geopark Araripe: relevance stage".
The event took place in the Administrative Araripe Geopark headquarters in the town of Crato / EC and the goal was to show that the trainee as well as researcher is receiving training by the experience of the activities that learns to develop the Geopark Araripe, which contributes specifically to your professional life.
The "I Academic Works Exhibition on the Geopark Araripe" was attended by former and current interns, who reported on the period of performance in any sector of the Geopark, as well as undergraduate research work done during the stage and continue being developed. One example is the former intern Raimundo Pereira (Geography / URCA), which began developing the "Project Hortas Vertical", leading to their community and the school where currently works as a teacher in Farias Brito / EC, the ideas that It developed when matured in the Araripe Geopark.
Another intern who excelled in the production and participation event in 17 academic papers, between panels, published articles authored and co-authored, is the student of the URCA Biology Course, Osmanda Moura. Among the major works that have developed Osmanda multidisicplinares participates in research groups that cut across topics from ethnobiology, paleontology to geoconservation.
Trainee Araripe Geopark receives prominent award
Delivery certificate to the trainee Kaio Sobreira Rolim the administrative technique of Pro Extension Dean (PROEX) Rose Bezerra
Delivery certificate to the trainee Kaio Sobreira Rolim the administrative technique of Pro Extension Dean (PROEX) Rose Bezerra
The Trainee Sector Environmental Araripe Geopark Education, Kaio Sobreira Rolim, won the "Outstanding Award" for work presented at the XVIII Undergraduate Research Week URCA / III Week Extension. The award included the category Oral Communications, biodiversity and environment session.
Entitled "Sharing knowledge Geosciences by GEA Mother Earth Project", the aim of winning intern's work is to promote activities aimed at the study of Earth Sciences, Sustainable Development and Cultural Diffusion in municipal and state public schools, both elementary school, the high school and College of the area comprising the territory of the Geopark Araripe.
For its performance, agility, quality research and development of its rated design and well explained in his presentation, led to the receipt of best work of the First National Week of Science and Technology of the Regional University of Cariri. The event was held from 19 to 23 October 2015, and the awards took place last week in the room of the Dean of Extension of Regional University of Cariri.
Professor da Urca is approved in the selection process
for the doctorate by the chair of UNESCO
Professor Eduardo Guimarães at the headquarters of Geopark Araripe
Professor Eduardo Guimarães at the headquarters of Geopark Araripe
Professor Ms. Eduardo Guimarães (URCA / Department of Physical Education) is the first teacher of the Geopark Araripe and consequently of Brazil, being recently approved for a doctorate at the University Tras os Montes / Portugal (UTAD), the UNESCO Chair.
The Chair's research line to which your research project was submitted deals with the "Physical activity in natural areas: multidisciplinary analysis of the benefits for health." And the prospect of jobs via Chair fits the theme "Geoparks, sustainable regional development and healthy lifestyles," UTAD.
In an exclusive interview with the Geopark Communications Team Araripe, Professor Eduardo talked about the support he had from the Regional University of Cariri, teachers Allysson Pinheiro (Biology), Álamo Feitosa (Palaeontology), José Patrício Melo (Rector), Lima Junior (Vice-Chancellor) who promoted their approach to the Araripe Geopark. This approach that yielded some results as his research project, which had the guidance of Professor Dr. Ronaldo Walk Dias Gabriel (Associate of the Department of Sport Science, Exercise and Health UTAD). How their research is directly related to the practice of activity in open environments related to geoparks, cohesion with the intention of UNESCO was in a natural way. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the goal is to bring the geoparks healthy practices.
During the interview, he also talked about the satisfaction of starting over this stage of their education with an international perspective and used to highlight the relevance of this work for the Regional University of Cariri / URCA, highlighting the Araripe Geopark.
With its formation, the link between the Araripe Geopark and Europe is strengthened in the category scientific research and cultural exchange.
General coordinator of Geopark Araripe is awarded
with the title of Citizen Santanense
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas, executive coordinator of Geopark Araripe
Ceremony to receive the honor Citizens Title Santanense
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas, executive coordinator of Geopark Araripe
Chamber grants the title of Citizen Santanense Francisco Idalecio de Freitas
The Municipality of Santana do Cariri, city of geosites Pontal de Santa Cruz and Park Pterosaurs, unanimously approved and granted to the current Executive Coordinator of Geopark Araripe, Francisco Idalécio de Freitas, the title of Citizen Santanense.
In the proposal, the legislature cited the trajectory of Idalécio to justify the honor as well as his vast contribution to the Municipality of Santana do Cariri. Mr. Freitas Idalécio throughout its history has contributed to the development of the City intensively.
Among the actions that justified the recognition by the municipality, we can mention: the service provided to miners Santana, by the DNPM, the construction of the Casa de Pedra in Inhumas, with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and geoconservation service miners, all voluntarily.
Thus, Idalécio Francisco deserves a respectful and dignified treatment to this honor that necessarily was taken into account, to be granted because of the contribution awarded for the development of the city has been extremely relevant way. After all, Idalécio is also Santana!
The ceremony for receiving the honor took place on the last day 23, when, along with Professor Idalécio, the Ceará State Governor, Camilo Sobreira de Santana, was also awarded the honor in the same agenda of the Annual Session.
Class of the field of the
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's students
Explanation of the territory of the Geopark Araripe, made by Idalécio de Freitas, coordinator of Geopark Araripe, the students of the UFRJ
Esmar de Souza Carvalho, graduate course professor in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Graduate Course students in Geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Explanation of the territory of the Geopark Araripe, made by Idalécio de Freitas, coordinator of Geopark Araripe, the students of the UFRJ
The territory of the Geopark Araripe was once again the classroom. Over the past week, students of the undergraduate course of class in geology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), under the guidance of the Esmar Souza Carvalho teacher, visited the Administrative Office of the Geopark Araripe to know, through the model, the formation of the Sedimentary Basin of Araripe and then take to the field classes in Geosites.
At the time, Professor Esmar stressed how important it is for students to be in the region knowing such geological features. Also spoke of a program that the University has and which enables students come twice a year to Araripe, in order to understand in practice "all the environmental changes that have occurred in Brazil about 145 million years."
He added that "all this enables not only the students of this university, but many others, have access to such practices and lessons can be aware of the actual conditions of fieldwork."
The Araripe Geopark and its territory are always open to those interested in improving the practical and theoretical knowledge of the students will visit and conduct field classes.
Geopark Araripe Team
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Mananging Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
José Adriano Cruz Saraiva
Edvania Ferreira Dantas
Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo
Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson de Lacerda
Culture Sector
Jeania de Brito Gonçalves
Communication Sector
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Geonews Drafting Team- 20th Edition
Textual Production
Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Yara Mabele Rodrigues (intern of the Communication Sector)
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Yara Mabele Rodrigues (intern of the Communication Sector)
Vera Torres
Acervo Geopark Araripe
Carlos Robério
International Relations Office of URCA - ARI
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