3rd edition - July / 2015
Geopark Araripe makes presentation about the International Year of Soils in the country
of the geosite Batateiras
Exhibition entry: replica of Geosite "Old Mission Waterfall"
Public present at the exhibition opening
Space dedicated to craftsmen working with clay
Exhibition entry: replica of Geosite "Old Mission Waterfall"
Began Sunday (12) and runs until the 18th of this month the exhibition "The Solo that sustains us" under the theme of the International Year of Soils. The event is happening in the Interpretation and Environmental Education Center, in the city of Crato, where is located the Geosite potato plants.
The working theme on the ground for the year 2015 was declared by the UN (United Nations) and disseminated by UNESCO and the Geopark Araripe is this week being the scene of the largest fair in the State of Ceará agriculture. This is the EXPOCRATO. This traditional event is the 71st edition and includes the participation of several entrepreneurs, cattle show, agricultural products, selling typical food, concerts and other cultural attractions.
The expectation of visitors is expected to surpass 70,000 people, which contributes largely to the economic boom and development of the region.
Anyone passing by the exhibition of Geopark Araripe can know better about the caririense soil from the historical, geological, stratigraphic, paleontological to craft works made with clay and other uses for the building.
Do not miss!
Exhibition "The soil that sustains us" is opened
bythe rector of URCA and the Ceará State Governor
Inaugurando a Exposição “O Solo que nos sustenta”: o Governador do Estado do Ceará Camilo Santana e o Reitor da URCA José Patrício Melo.
Exposição guiada pelo Secretário Executivo do Geopark Araripe Nivaldo Soares
Professores da URCA, Paulo César (segundo da esquerda para direita) e Juscelândia de Oliveira (quarta da esquerda para direita), junto com amigos prestigiando a exposição
Inaugurando a Exposição “O Solo que nos sustenta”: o Governador do Estado do Ceará Camilo Santana e o Reitor da URCA José Patrício Melo.
The exhibition "The soil that sustains us", created by the Araripe Geopark and will occur during the 71st edition of EXPOCRATO, was opened at Sunday (12) at 20:30, Brasília time, by the Ceará State Governor Camilo Santana and the Rector of the University Regional Cariri - URCA José Patrício Melo, accompanied by the Executive Director of the Geopark Araripe Idalécio Francisco Freitas and the Coordinator of the Environmental Education Sector of the Geopark Araripe Neume Galvão.
The ceremony also featured the presence of Congressman José Cruz Arnon Bezerra Bezerra de Menezes, Mayor of the city of Crato Ronaldo Sampaio Gomes de Matos, along with the First Lady, with the Pro-Rectors of URCA and other professors at the University.
During the inauguration of the Governor was received by the Executive Secretary of the Geopark Araripe Nivaldo Soares, a specialist in soils, which explained how the technical sub-theme of the exhibition spaces.
For this exhibition there is an estimated audience of 5000 people.
Team Geopark Araripe
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Managing Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Coordinator of the Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson Lacerda
Communication Sector Coordinator
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Coordinator of the Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Drafting Team of Geonews - 3rd Edition
Textual Production
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Bruna Almeida de Oliveira
Carlos Robério
International Relations Office of the URCA - ARI
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