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4th edition- March / 2016

SERIES: Small Entrepreneurs in Cariri

The Rendeiras of Bilro of Santana do Cariri

The bobbin lace is made by the Association of Tenants of Bilro, of Santana do Cariri. The ARBISC components are all artisans santanenses. Their work is the result of knowledge acquired by Dona Dona Nair and Cesarina, which rescued and perpetuate this traditional activity that involves the use of wires to make art.


It is handicrafts Bobbin lace, a variation of the income produced by thick line in large cushions with macaúba bobbins trapped in a wooden handle, the design of which is separated by mandacaru of thorns. The raw materials used in craft production are: lines, wires and industrial fabrics. Some tools are made manually as the bobbin macaúba, a wooden rod in which is wrapped the line with catolé coconut, whose tip safe rendeira to exchange it and weave the threads.


In addition to manufacturing the famous networks also cook up towels and other items with the income Bilro as accessories and clothing. The result is clearly fantastic and they spend about 6 months to produce a network. Work that requires a lot of perseverance and gentleness.

The ARBISC currently works at the Cultural Casarão Cel. Felinto Cross Neves.





Toilza - (88) 99945-9767

Luiza - (88) 99609-0142

Joana D’ arc - (88) 99987-7005




Casarão Cultural Colonel Felinto Cruz

Street Mr Furtado Leite, S / N, Centre - Santana do Cariri-EC


Press office

Cesar Filho - (88) 99713-9348



SERIES: International Year of Pulses

The year 2016 was declared by the UN as the "International Year of Pulses".

Thus, it was proposed to institutions linked to UNESCO activities that promote reflection and diffusion of knowledge about the importance of this issue, focused on the issues of food security, health, nutrition and environmental sustainability. Geopark Araripe, integrated to UNESCO presents, from this edition of GeoNews, some notes on the importance of legumes.


Legumes and its influence on health Legumes are generated in plants that give pods and their grains are rich in fibrous tissue. Known as a source of iron, protein and other nutrients, few legumes that can play the same role in the diet, such as beans, chickpeas and peas, which, combined with rice, become perfect double for provide the same protein components that meat.


Legumes are consumed since the emergence of agriculture and have been attributed to him medicinal roles, cultural, as well as nutritious. According to experts, regular consumption seems to have a protein effect against cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. Other grains classified as "pulses", well known and used in Brazilian power are soy, peanut, which are done oils; black beans, used in the typical feijoada; green beans, white, pigeon peas, used in the famous dish Northeast "baião two"; and it is good to note that the 

Legumes And Its Influence on Health

very soy is one of the ingredients used to make soy sauce, tastes seductively of shushi lovers typically Japanese food, but that already make up the menu of many restaurants throughout the country. To get the benefit of the legume protein consumption should be done every day, after all, these provide the best source of concentrated protein in the plant kingdom.


More information at: www.portaleducaçã / nutrition / articles.



The fossiliferous richness of Chapada do Araripe

The Sedimentary Basin of Araripe, territory scenario of the only Brazilian Geopark, is known for the richness of the preserved fossils in the world. These are vast paleontological material of the time of the Cretaceous period (geological era recorded by the formation of the continents), such as insects, plants and even pterosaurs whose definition allows, even with the naked eye detail how the structure of the dragonfly wing and cicadas as well as the bone structure of the wing pterosaurs.


It is a curiosity that attracts visitors and researchers to know the spectacular biodiversity of the region. Paleontological record are so going back to the important chapters in the history of the formation of the planet earth. Many of these fossils show that the marine waters were in the middle of northeast Brazil, more precisely in the Araripe Basin, about 100 million years. This is the case of fossil echinoids (starfish group, sea snake and sea lily). This group is only environment where the salinity is above 20 g salt per liter of water, which lets say without doubt that the interior was already in March


Araripe Geopark and "House of Becco Cafe Culture": outreach strategies Regional Culture

On the last day 22, the Communication Sectors and Geopark Araripe Culture met with the owner of "House of Becco Cafe Culture". The reason for the meeting was to discuss strategies for dissemination via Geopark Araripe, Regional Culture, craft initiative of small entrepreneurs and encourage this type of production, which is an important part of economic development in the territory of Araripe Geopark.


The "House of Becco Cafe Culture" is a place to enjoy wellness, exercising the senses, with gastronomy, literature and visual arts. The owner Luciano said his goal is to create a web dissemination strategy that adds both creative entrepreneurs as small entrepreneurs, strengthening regional identity according to the characteristics of the communities that make up the Araripe Geopark. Besides, of course, to encourage consequently tourism in the region.

Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team - 4ª Editions / 2016


Textual Production

Bruna Almeida (estagiária do Setor de Comunicação)



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Rauan Leite (intern communication sector)

Photographic Collection / Araripe Geopark



Carlos Robério

Carlos Almeida (colaborador)  


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