5th Edition- March / 2016
SERIES: Small Entrepreneurs in Cariri
Francisco Antonio Bernardo, president and associate Coité Site Farmers Association in Barbalha district Arajara
Legumes exhibited at the fair itinerant agroecological
Francisco Antonio Bernardo, president and associate Coité Site Farmers Association in Barbalha district Arajara
Agriculture "Clean" in the municipality of Barbalha / CE
Francisco Antonio Bernardo known as (Novo). President and Associate Coité Site Farmers Association in Barbalha district Arajara.O project is only family that surrounds the base 30 associates in Barbalha / CE.
Nele is developed growing organnicos products without the use of pesticides, (Amedoim, beans, banana, maize, cassava, lettuce, avocado, pumpkin etc) beyond where the focus subsistence agriculture is the family and the community where the farmer is in, much of the production is sold in itinerant fairs in triangle Crajubar (Crato, Juazeiro and Barbalha).
The last exhibition and marketing of products happened in agroecologica itinerant fair in REFESA in the municipality of Crato / CE where the purpose of the fair is to encourage the production of clean family-based and without pesticides.
Contacts: (88) 8105.4588 9.
(88) 9 9909 8968
Series: International Year of Pulses
Pulses and Food Security
UNESCO Proposal for the activities of the International Year of the Pulses aims to increase public awareness of the nutritional benefits of legumes as part of sustainable food production aimed at food security and nutrition.
When it comes to food security around the theme of Pulses, the purpose of the activities is to create opportunities and incentives for connections throughout the food chain so that people start to eat larger amounts of these vegetables because of their specific proteins. Consequent to increased consumption, should be increased also this type of production worldwide. In addition, this work should emphasize better use of crop rotations in order to face the challenges of the legume trade.
More information: AGROTEC - http://www.agrotec.pt/noticias/fao-2016-e-o-ano-internacional-das-leguminosas/
The Araripe Geopark and Tourism Guides
In the photo, guiding the Geosite Stone Bridge by the tour guide Adam Brown.
In the photo, guiding the Geosite Stone Bridge by the tour guide Adam Brown.
The tour guide is the professional in charge of monitoring, mentoring and transmit information to groups visiting the natural beauty of the country on tours (municipal, state or interstate) and international travel. Therefore, it is the guide to guide and promote the clearance and release of passengers and their baggage for loading and unloading terminals (sea, air, etc.); organize the day's activities, visits develop routes; meet the passengers and carry identification issued by Embratur. It is through the work of tour guide that visitors not only know new places, but also understand and therefore value the culture, way of life and customs of each city or country. That is, the guide is the host of the tourist, when the guide does a good job, it is sure that tourists will keep great memories of the place presented.
In the territory of the Geopark Araripe, some time self sustetável tourism practices and ecotourism happen. However, it was from the partnership with SENAC the technical training of tour guides started to happen. Therefore, it is of great relevance to the Geopark the presence of these professionals who make the "welcome" to the territory and the features to attract and expand the practice of tourism in the region, ensuring the return of these tourists. To talk better about it and emphasize that the State of Ceará is not only made of coastline is known as the Communications Team of the Araripe Geopark, spoke with one of the first guides formed by Senac, Jessica Pinheiro. Currently, she is a member of the Tourist Guides Association of Cariri. The most important excerpt from the chat follows in the next note.
Conversation with the Tourist Guide AGTURC: Jessica Pinheiro
Jessica Pinheiro Tourist Guide of AGTURC
Jessica Pinheiro Tourist Guide of AGTURC
Communication Team (CT): What drew your attention to the technical course in Tourism guide? And what importance this course for your professional life and relevance for the region?
Jessica Pinheiro AGTURC (JP): Well [laughs], I started the Technical Course in Tourism Guide soon after the end of the Geography course by URCA, saw the proposal of the course at Senac and found it interesting. From then on, I make the selection. I learned how to deal with the customer as well as various aspects of tourism, combining both theory and practice of the profession with technical visits, internships. We also learn a wide dimension of what Cariri that can be worked. Working in this activity is to promote the Cariri, open the minds of these people to the region's wealth and that they disseminate to others. Only the guide, with all technical background, can show pro visitor the look of the place of the person who resides at that location. The course opened me many horizons. I think we just (laughs).
Geopark Araripe Team
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Mananging Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
José Adriano Cruz Saraiva
Edvania Ferreira Dantas
Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo
Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson de Lacerda
Culture Sector
Jeania de Brito Gonçalves
Communication Sector
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Geonews Drafting Team- 5th Edition
Textual Production
Bruna Almeida (estagiária do Setor de Comunicação)
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)
Carlos Robério
Carlos Almeida (contributor)