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6th edition - March / 2015

SERIES: Small Entrepreneurs in Cariri

Stone on Stone Crafts, in Nova Olinda / CE

The "Craft Stone About Stone" was created in 1997 in the city of Olinda, in the state of Ceará, and currently is located at Avenida Jeremias Pereira, in the same municipality. Today, the site is obligatory stop for tourists as well as residents of the city, after all the parts produced are of a unique beauty.


These are handicrafts made from the waste of Limestone Laminate, surrounding the Geosite Pedra Cariri. Parts like, lithography, sculpture by women's accessories such as earrings, or key chains, picture frames, several souvernirs, are worked by the skilled hands of artisan Grace and her family.

The project is managed by the owner, Grace, her husband and children are, in total, four people working in the production, sale and customer service. The monthly income ranges around R $ 1,500.00 and is what sustains the whole family.

The production of materials has enough quality, service is of great reference and family "Stone Crafts About Stone" works with orders and customized products according to the customer's will, those who are interested in making a visit can schedule a ride to Geosites Pontal de Santa Cruz, Park Pterosaurs, Cariri 


Stone, the MuseumPontal de Santa Cruz, Park Pterosaurs, Cariri Stone, the Museum of Paleontology Regional University of Cariri and back pass by Lojinha Dona Graça.

The Craft "Art Stone About Stone" has a Facebook page and your contact phone number is: 88 9 9213-1351.

SERIES: International Year of Pulses

Legumes and nutritional aspect

 Legumes are pods of beans and nutritious food, the best known are legumes: beans, lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas and soybeans. Beans are a food used since long ago by the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas. The lentils, for its part, is the oldest legumes consumed by Mediterranean peoples, while soy is a very old staple food in East Asian people.

Legumes are rich in some essential amino acids. It must therefore be ingested in combination with other foods which supplement these shortcomings, for example, with cereal. This double (cereal + legumes) can indeed be considered a good protein source.

 The digestibility of pulses is optimized, if they are ingested in combination with cereals and vegetables and no animal proteins (meat or fish). It is advisable where possible be ingested organic production of legumes and seeds from not genetically manipulated, as changes resulting from its consumption does not have a proven long-term benefit.


So, can have serious consequences and even still unknown to those who consume seeds or its derivatives with these laboratory changes

More information:

Araripe Geopark at the Fair "Cariri Creative

On the 10th of this month at the 16th Fair "Cariri Creative" was an exhibitor on the Araripe Geopark, which were presented information materials about the only Brazilian Geopark, as well as the results of work done by trainees and engineers with the aim of spreading which is a geopark.


The materials such as banners and folders, fossil replicas and cloth books served as visual support for the dissemination of the activities done by GeoEducação Sectors and Communication GEOPAK Araripe.

The Fair "Cariri creative" happens once a month in the space of RFFESA, Crato, where is also the Administrative Headquarters of Araripe Geopark.


Training on "Legumes" theme decreed by UNESCO

Sectors Communication and Geoconservation Araripe Geopark promoted this last Tuesday, the 15th, a training course for trainees, employees and representatives of schools from surrounding municipalities on the "Pulses" theme.

The lecture was mediated Dietitian and teacher of Juazeiro School (FJN) Thayná Bezerra de Luna, along with his students Claudemir Alves and Saresley Santos and Professor Master in Agronomy, Nivaldo Soares de Almeida, who is also the Executive Secretary Araripe Geopark.

At the time, they were present: Diomar Fernandes, the Old Mission Secretary of Education; Djailson Malheiro and Luciene Valley School Environmental Archbishop Murilo Foundation; and Iarinda Valley School Tarcila Alencar Cross.

During the presentations were emphasized the most common types of pulses, their properties, to serve if consumed on a daily basis, and specific approaches to aspects of health, nutrition, food security and environmental sustainability. One of the most relevant points, was the mention of "Jurema Preta", a kind of legume of great importance for the balance of the ecosystem, but little valued by residents of the semi-arid region because of its invasive and thorny aspect.
The event will also be repeated and interested parties should express their interest by contacting the Communications Sector by

Geopark Araripe: "The Outdoor Classroom"

On the last day 15, the Administrative Headquarters of Araripe Geopark received students of Biology of the Cariri Regional University who are attending the course MUSEUMS MANAGEMENT, herbals AND LABORATORIES.


In this course, students should visit environmental institutions and know how it works, and identify as practiced management and as indeed it should be. The ultimate goal of these views is to design a yearbook with the Biological collections of each site and evaluate the pros and cons of each of the sites visited, according to its proposal for existence and the real needs met.

The visit was monitored by the trainee Araripe Geopark, Osmanda Moura de Souza, who is also a student of Biology Course URCA.

 Geopark Araripe Team


Executive Coordinator

Francisco Idalécio de Freitas


Executive Secretary 

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Mananging Director

Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Edvania Ferreira Dantas


Environmental Education Sector

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo


Territorial Development Sector

José Wilson de Lacerda


Culture Sector

Jeania de Brito Gonçalves


Communication Sector

Giane Taeko Mori Rodella

Geonews Drafting Team- 6th Edition


Textual Production

Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Yara Mabelle (intern communication sector)



Giane Taeko Mori Rodella



Bruna Almeida (intern communication sector)

Yara Mabelle (intern communication sector)

Carlos Almeida  (intern communication sector)

Collection / Crato Culture Secretariat



Carlos Robério

Carlos Almeida (contributor)


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