8th edition - August / 2015
Geopark Araripe participates in the
III Brazilian Symposium on Geological Heritage
in the "Land of diamonds"
Lapa Doce cave in Iraquara (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia)
Lençóis view of Serrano 4 km from the city (Chapada Diamantina -BA)
Pratinha Farm in Iraquara (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia)
Lapa Doce cave in Iraquara (Chapada Diamantina, Bahia)
Days between 8:13 from September the charming city Lençóis / BA - Brazil, known as the capital of diamonds and ecotourism, located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park will host the III Brazilian Symposium on Geological Heritage. In this event, technicians, experts and researchers from the Geopark Araripe will participate with presentations of works financed by the Pro-Rectory of Extension of Regional University of Cariri / URCA.
The works, partial results of research in development both in the Araripe as the Geosites Geopark Araripe will appear on the Advanced Campus of the Chapada Diamantina - UEFS - Sheets-Bahia.
Target of this symposium are researchers, teachers, students, professionals who conduct research related to the theme of the event: Geodiversity and Geological Heritage.
The Chapada Diamantina, with a total area of 70.548km², appears as real source of opportunities for tourism activities, with a diversity of flora and fauna, caves, canyons, cliffs, a place full of mystery culture and history. From this perspective, it is also a favorable location for the learning exchange between "araripenses geoparquianos" with the other participants.
Rector of URCA Araripe Geopark and technical consultant in the 12th Festival South America Pantanal
Poster "12th Festival South America Pantanal" - from 20 to 22 August 2015, in Corumbá, Pantanal city of Mato Grosso South.
Poster "12th Festival South America Pantanal" - from 20 to 22 August 2015, in Corumbá, Pantanal city of Mato Grosso South.
The Pantanal South America Festival is an important and traditional event and its 12th edition will take place from 20th to August 22nd, 2015 in Corumbá, Pantanal city of Mato Grosso do Sul. The festival values the cultural and physical integration of the South American continent. And aims to bring together countries, allow them to know, to establish and strengthen relationships, be stage for cultural and artistic events privileged space for thought and debate of latent issues such as integration, culture, tourism, entrepreneurship and innovation.
The Geopark Araripe, currently being the only Brazilian Geopark, will participate in the event, having as one of its missions, the disclosure thereof and also of the remarkable cultural aspects of Cariri. Who will represent the Araripe Geopark will be the Rector of the Regional University of Cariri, José Patrício Melo with the technical consultant of the Geopark, geologist Flavia Lima.
At the time, both will speak about the Geopark project as the main driver of sustainable development of Cariri Region and their actions to it.
Araripe Geopark provides technical consultancy
about geopark to the Consortium PCJ
Visit of members of the PCJ the headquarters of the Geopark Araripe
Mapa da localização das bacias PCJ
Visit of members of the PCJ the headquarters of the Geopark Araripe
Technical team of representatives of the Intermunicipal Consortium of Hydrographic Basins of Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí (PCJ Consortium), engineers Flávio Forti Stenico and William Amstalden Valarini and the Geographer Dorisney Ribeiro (invited for technical support to the PCJ Consortium), were present during the 17th to the 19th of August, in the territory of the Geopark Araripe, holding meetings, technical visits and knowing the Geosites Geopark.
The main purpose of the representatives of the PCJ Consortium was to know the work being developed by the members of Geopark Araripe, assess the positive results of such a project, from the perspective of regional and environmental conservation development and understand the various bureaucratic processes required to create, maintenance and administration of a geopark.
The main idea of the PCJ Consortium is to create a Geopark in the headwater areas of the river basin Piracicaba, extremely important region for the supply of the Cantareira System reservoirs, which supplies about 9 million people in the Alto Tiete basin (MRSP) and 5.5 million people in the PCJ Basins. Therefore, such an initiative of the PCJ Consortium aims to preserve the regions of the headwaters of the PCJ Basins, ensuring the water supply quality and quantity as well as the preservation of natural resources through activities related to ecotourism and rural tourism.
For the Araripe Geopark, contributions like that mean its strengthening as structured project that each year solidifies satisfactorily. So that can serve as models for others interested in building geoparks the country.
Geopark Araripe and the SEST/SENAT
SEST / SENAT are civil nonprofit organizations working directly in Brazil as a major contributor to various social programs that help to improve, enhance and develop programs that help the working life in the various areas, such as health culture and education, as well to promote programs that operate in the environmental preservation and also improvement and vocational training.
Roughly one year this agency has been working directly in the Project Geopark Araripe, especially as a collaborative partner for various actions such as:
- Periodic educational campaigns to guide and encourage the population on the importance of preserving the environment;
- Distribution and planting seedlings in the companies and the community, field classes and trails in Geosites which logically are key factors for the context of Geopark Araripe because it acts directly on environmental protection thus showing the important link with that entity;
- And many other programs such as DESPOLUIR which aims to reduce the emission of pollutants from vehicular gas companies in the transport sector.
The SEST SENAT also assists favorably in micro entrepreneurial initiatives. Thus supports the environmental protection targets for those who carry out sustainable tourism, such as the Ciclotur the Araripe, whose slogan is "a cycling trip through the territory Geopark". This entrepreneurship is conducted by Eco Biker's group.
The SEST SENAT also assists favorably in micro entrepreneurial initiatives. Thus supports the environmental protection targets for those who carry out sustainable tourism, such as the Ciclotur the Araripe, whose slogan is "a cycling trip through the territory Geopark". This entrepreneurship is conducted by Eco Biker's group.
This partner Geopark Araripe encourages projects with initiatives in the cultural area as the "Permanent Exhibition Cariri Transport and Culture", which tells the history of the area through the transportation of passengers and of natural and cultural riches of the region.
It is worth noting that it is through partnerships like this that the Araripe Geopark achieves its goals related to the project which justifies its creation and inclusion as a member of the Global Geoparks Network (GGN).
Geopark Araripe Team
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Mananging Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
José Adriano Cruz Saraiva
Edvania Ferreira Dantas
Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo
Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson de Lacerda
Culture Sector
Jeania de Brito Gonçalves
Communication Sector
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Drafting Team of Geonews - 8th Edition
Textual Production
Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Almeida Sá (intern of the Communication Sector)
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Carlos Almeida Sá (intern of the Communication Sector)
Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Robério
International Relations Office of URCA - ARI
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