9th edition - September / 2015
Geopark Araripe receives visit of the members of the
Secretaria of the Cities in the Crato
Marília Ferreira Lima - one of the project coordinators "Cities of Ceará- Cariri Central"
Lúcio Ferreira Gomes, Secretary of the Cities of the Government of Ceará
Araripe Geopark coordination team and members of the Secretariat of the cities of Ceará State Government
Marília Ferreira Lima - one of the project coordinators "Cities of Ceará- Cariri Central"
On August 27, 2015 the administrative headquarters of the Araripe Geopark received the illustrious visit of the Secretary of the Cities of the State of Ceará, Lúcio Ferreira Gomes, his deputy secretary, Quintino Vieira, the technical support entourage and infrastructure of Ceara Cities project - Cariri Central, represented by Marília Ferreira Lima and the infrastructure supervisor, Isabela Cantal.
One of the initiatives of the Secretariat of Cities is to invest funds for the various works of the Geopark Araripe but also oversee them. The main objective of the visit was to expose about achieving tutoring to projects and works that the State Government has given structural support. And the Geopark Araripe, being an extension of the Regional University of Cariri, awarded several of these government actions, is included in future agendas of the partnership between the State Government and the Municipality.
Importantly, it is through of the investments of the Secretariat of Cities and other government agencies that the various works in the areas of Geopark Araripe are made to better functioning and development of activities both as tourist and Research in Cariri Region. In the words of the Deputy Secretary Quintino Vieira "We have a great partnership with the URCA and the Geopark to grant a technical and comfortable condition to the places to be visited by scholars and tourists who come to study supplements or simply visitation"
Environmental Education team Araripe Geopark and the Institute for Children with Cancer
Educational activities performed by trainees of environmental education of Geopark Araripe at the Institute of Children with Cancer (ICC) in Barbalha-CE
Educational activities performed by trainees of environmental education of Geopark Araripe at the Institute of Children with Cancer (ICC) in Barbalha-CE
Workshop "Cloth Book" given by the coordinator of environmental education of Geopark Araripe Neuma Galvão at the Institute of Children with Cancer (ICC) in Barbalha-Ce
Educational activities performed by trainees of environmental education of Geopark Araripe at the Institute of Children with Cancer (ICC) in Barbalha-CE
The Environmental Education Team Araripe Geopark, under the coordination of Professor Dr. Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão, has weekly performed educational, pedagogical and solidarity actions at the Institute of Children with Cancer (ICC) in the city of Barbalha /CE (municipal of the Geosite "Riacho do Meio"). The Activities started on the 12th of this month, when there was the first visit by ICC headquarters of the knowledge to collect basic and supplementary information for the development of appropriate activities to the target audience of the site.
The actions of the Geopark Araripe Education Sector in the ICC's main objectives are to support the educational way the work of the project, which takes care of not only the health of these children in their aspect of treatment of diseases, but also cares for his conviviality, self esteem and wellness. With the example of these goals the ICC on care and socialization, the team of environmental education, organized activities with games, games, videos and painting for children. And for the families of these child warriors who battle against cancer, the Geopark team has also conducted workshops for making of cloth books as a form of occupational therapy. This activity is especially for mothers of children under treatment, which may in the future sell the product and assess income from the marketing of books in the CIEA store Geopark Araripe for the communities of the territory.
Here comes the second edition of the
competition School GEA - Mother Earth !!
Informative poster about the competition "GEA-Earth Mother"
Informative poster about the competition "GEA-Earth Mother"
The competition School GEA - Mother Earth is in its second edition and this year will work with the theme "IT'S THE SOIL THAT SUSTAINS THE LIFE". This year's theme gives participation in the "International Year of Soils", released by UNESCO and declared by the ONU.
Can participate in the competition the students of Primary and Middle municipal and state schools in the Araripe Geopark territory. The issue addressed this year has as its main objective to draw attention to human practices that lead to soil degradation. Some practices, such as intensive farming, deforestation, urban sprawl, among others, have led to the destruction of the soil at a rapid pace worldwide. According to ORGANIZATIONS OF NATIONS UNITED - ONU (2014), more than half of the land with agricultural capacity are degraded and, in each decade, about 120 million hectares of land are destroyed.
In this perspective, according to Edital, the GEA Contest - Mother Earth - 2015 edition aims "to a future that reconciles human needs with sustainable use of natural resources."
For more information contact:
(88) 3102-1237 / (88) 31023053 / geaterramae@urca.br
"I North and Northeast of Health based in
evidences Congress" discloses the Geopark Araripe
Organizing committee of the "I Congress North and Northeast Health Evidence-Based"
Tour package offered on the event website, which includes a visit to the Museum of Paleontology of the Regional University of Cariri - URCA
Organizing committee of the "I Congress North and Northeast Health Evidence-Based"
Between the 26th and 28th of this month was the "I North and Northeast of Health based in evidences Congress" ocurred at the Convention Center Cariri in Juazeiro do Norte/ CE (municipal of the Geosite "Riacho do Meio").
The target audience of this event were students, researchers and professionals interested in evidence-based practice and research in Management, Evaluation and Technologic Innovation in Health.
Conducted by the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) and the Technology Research Group of SUS Health (GPTSUS), the congress had the support of the Brazilian Evaluation Network Technology and Health - REBRATS, EVIPNET and GpClin.
At the time, the model of the Geopark Araripe was exposed at the Convention Center and the event's website encouraged participants to practice tourism in the region, through the Museum of Paleontology Regional University of Cariri and in the Geosite "Pontal de Santa Cruz", in the municipality of Santana do Cariri / CE.
Geopark Araripe Team
Executive Coordinator
Francisco Idalécio de Freitas
Executive Secretary
Nivaldo Soares de Almeida
Mananging Director
Eugênio Pacelli Coelho de Sá
José Adriano Cruz Saraiva
Edvania Ferreira Dantas
Environmental Education Sector
Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão
Lázaro Ranieri de Macêdo
Territorial Development Sector
José Wilson de Lacerda
Culture Sector
Jeania de Brito Gonçalves
Communication Sector
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Geonews Drafting Team- 9th Edition
Textual Production
Bruna Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Almeida Sá (intern of the Communication Sector)
Yara Rodrigues (intern of the Communication Sector)
Giane Taeko Mori Rodella
Carlos Almeida (intern of the Communication Sector)
Carlos Robério
International Relations Office of URCA - ARI
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