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Sports practices and healthy lifestyles driven by Geopark

A new sporting practice that has been taking place in the territory of Araripe Geopark (GA), with emphasis is the denominated practice of green exercise, subject that was approached by the doctoral candidate of UNESCO Chair and Coordinator of Geotourism of the GA, Eduardo Guimarães.

According to Guimarães, prior to implementing and promoting health and a healthy lifestyle, previous studies were necessary to map the natural trails of the territory as well as to identify, for example, the main impacts caused in them. Eduardo explained that the main impact is still the disposal of garbage incorrectly in these environments. "This is a guide for our actions of Environmental Education and shows us the behavior of the visitor," he said.

Another point was the study of the degree of difficulty of the mapped trails. From this, he sought success cases in the area to implement sports practices. Guimarães said that the "up" took place through a partnership with the sports company Cariri Extreme, with eight years of experience in organizing mountain bike races and running. According to Guimarães, Cariri has a vocation for health promotion and is a segment that is in full development. "You just have to organize the spaces," he said. For this, he reported, other partnerships are already being signed.

The partnership with Cariri Extreme resulted in the Araripe Geopark Racing Circuit, with competitions of mountain biking, racing and trail run on territory trails. In total there were three stages with participation of 1118 athletes and more 7700 people attending the event. The final stage was held last weekend at Barreiras Site, in Missão Velha. According to Eduardo, the Circuit invested more than R$ 1.3 million real in the territory. It lacks much to become a fully sustainable event, and this point, the main point, should be implemented as early as 2020. Another novelty is to create an inclusive event, aimed at people with disabilities. It reveals that it is part of this year's 2019 goal.

For the director of Cariri Extreme, Baden Powell, the partnership with Araripe Geopark represented a "watershed" with the coming of new and big companies to support the events. "Today we have a more human, sustainable vision for our activities. We also enter the trail run mode, which consists of race track racing and has been very well accepted. " According to him, athletes from various parts of the country already show interest in participating in the event and this number only tends to grow.

Geoeducation and Healthy Lifestyles: Teaching - Learning and Active Methodologies

On Wednesday (27), the roundtable of the 1st Summer University Course brought the theme: "Geoeducation and Healthy Lifestyles: Teaching - Learning and Active Methodologies" at IU-Á Hotel in Juazeiro do Norte.

The panel consisted of the speakers: Janaina Medeiros, Geopark Seridó - RN, and Neuma Galvão, coordinator of Environmental Education in Araripe Geopark. Neuma began by addressing the nine geosites and the actions that were carried out in these environments: Ponte de Pedra, Batateiras, Cachoeira de Missão Velha, Parque dos Pterossauros, Pedra Cariri, Pontal de Santa Cruz, Riacho do Meio, Colina do Horto and Floresta Petrificada. She also commented on the importance of active methodologies for classroom education and how to work on alternatives to make the class more dynamic and attract attention of the students, gave the example of the making and use of the cloth book as a didactic resource for special education of people with disabilities.

Araripe Geopark promoting the "1st Summer University Course" in partnership with URCA was able to provide round tables, parallel external events, lectures in public and private schools highlighting the importance of Geopark work, and making the guests of the event who went to these spaces being well received and the students of these schools feel important for the opportunity to learn more with international guests.

Janaina Medeiros presented the project: The Five Senses of Seridó Geopark/RN: Geodiversity, Geopatrimony, Geoconservation, Geoeducation, Geotourism, talking about the history of emergence, difficulties and actions carried out. Seridó contemplates six municipalities in the region: Cerro Corá, Lagoa Nova, Currais Novos, Acari, Carnaúba dos Dantas and Parelhas.

According to her, the project required legal authorization to apply for the tender (Childhood and Adolescent Fund) nº 001/2018 in the municipality of Currais Novos/RN, and required CNPJ to actually function and "get off the paper." As it had the necessary attributes, for having proposed a new form of territorial management based on education, conservation and geotourism, it was patronized by ASPOSBERN (Association of Parents and People with Berardinelli Syndrome of Rio Grande do Norte ) so it could compete for the edict, achieving success in the selection.

Medeiros coordinates the project with the pedagogical team of the schools in which he works. The Five Senses project promotes workshops, lectures, mockups, audiovisual productions, reports, testimonies, chords and others, resources that promote their dissemination. It had its first version in classroom in 2017, with the participation of 74 students of the fifth year of Ausônio Araújo Municipal School, in the municipality of Currais Novos, according to the representative of Rio Grande do Norte. Its main mission is to make the children feel they belong to and know the geosites.

The representative of Seridó speaks with pride in photos and data of how much saw the project grow, in a period from August 2017 to December 2018 were 1351 adolescents and communities contemplated with the actions. He also says that the reward he receives is to see schools beginning to carry out the actions themselves, without needing the "start" from Seridó project.

Workshops held at Araripe Geopark directly with artist from Seridó-RN

Araripe Geopark had three workshops on the 28th, all given by the artist José Evangelista, from Seridó Geopark - RN, participant of the 1st Summer University Course, which took place at IU-Á Hotel in Juazeiro do Norte. In the morning, a "rock painting replica workshop" was held, and in the afternoon, two summer workshops would be mediated in the summer couse program, in the municipalities of Nova Olinda and Santana do Cariri, which were eventually relocated to the headquarters of Araripe Geopark in Crato.









The objective of the paintings is to generate income, sustainability and dissemination of local tourism. Nowadays the workshops and exhibitions of these rock paintings have become popular and are highly sought after, including in other municipalities.


Workshop "Replica of Rock Paintings"

Rock paintings are artistic manifestations designed in prehistory, forms of communication, used as a "diary" at the time. According to Evangelista, they are records of human passages where these prehistoric groups painted daily, with ritual scenes of dance, for childbirth, preparation for sex, fight and hunting. It is made through iron oxide or limonite (scientific name), also popularly known in Carnaúba dos Dantas - RN by Tauá stone. They are found in red and yellow, as well as in the color white, originating from an ore called kaolin, used in ceramics and crockery, as well as the black color coming from charcoal.


Workshop "Manakin Painting"

Araripe Geopark works with the "Araripe Manakin " Painting Workshop, which aims at the realization of body painting with the theme of the importance of Araripe Manakin to Cariri. Bird threatened with extinction, which has become a symbol of the campaign against the degradation of Cariri mountains, based on the need to survive.


Workshop "Replica of Fossils"

Fossils are rare in nature, with great Paleontological and Regional value. Araripe Geopark performs the workshop "Replica of Fossils" with the purpose of awakening the attention, importance and preservation within the scenario that it is, since they are vestiges of life about several years ago that say much about the place and its evolution.

"I had repercussions after the invitation of Janaina Medeiros who coordinated the project and offered me the opportunity to make a partnership with her, took an interest in my work and began to work together in schools, with children who need learning, an art " He says.

Museums and World Heritage (Fr. Cicero Memorial)

On Wednesday night (28/02), the "1st Summer University Course" was ended. The ceremony took place at Father Cicero Memorial in Juazeiro do Norte, with the launch of the book "Fossils of Araripe Plateau - A Cretaceous Odyssey", a partnership between Alexander Kellner (Museu Nacional - RJ), Álamo Saraiva (UGG Araripe and Professor of Paleontology of URCA), and photographer Paulo César Mazing. In addition to the presence of two other components on the table, Cristina Holanda (Memorial Fr. Cicero Foundation/IBRAM) and Sérgio Villaça (Paleontology Museum Plácido Cidade Nuvens).

"I owe my career to Araripe Basin," Kellner said as he began his speech. He used to visit our region in search of fossils and studies, until at some point he realized the potential of Araripe Plateau. So he looked for other people interested in the subject and Professor Álamo was one of them, along with the photographer Paulo César Mazing one of the people responsible for the photographs in the book, along with Ronaldo Barboni, also a photographer.

Kellner wanted the book to be popular, but could be in two languages, giving tourists and researchers from outside the country a chance to revel in his work. Álamo, comments that the perspective when making the book was to bring a simple language and to take off the point of view of simple pieces in a museum, stimulating the reader to inform himself and to see this paleontological wealth in order to preserve it, showing that in the future this work can be used as a supplementary material in schools.

Kellner spoke about the history, mission and the fire occurred on September 2, 2018, at the National Museum - RJ causing the loss of a part of the Brazilian history. "Beams twisted by the intensity of the heat, shattered glass fused by flames, "said the museum's representative. He described the difficulties faced before and especially after the fire, as well as the reconstruction plan of the patrimony. He spoke of the museum as a place of memory and patrimony, "rather than preservers, museums are builders of memory and heritage," he says.

Cristina Holanda spoke quickly about her research in the area of ​​museums as historical heritage, "museums are collections that keep the vestiges of the presence over time and relationship of men to each other and to nature, important tools for civilizations," says Holanda. Addressed the museum reality of Cariri and spoke of the difference of museum and visitable collection - museums are non-profit institutions, open to the public and society and collection visitable is the set of cultural assets held by a natural or legal person and does not have the characteristics of a museological process.

She also defined memory point, with the example of a group that has a memory job and gathers a small photographic collection about their community, a museological process. She cited Cariri as the site with the second largest museum concentration and worthy of a museology course, and finished by citing an example of the universe of museums in Ceará, objects that go through the issues of patrimonialization.


In the study of the historian, Regis Lopes, who wrote and researched the Cauldron of the Holy Cross of the Desert, a movement of the 1930s, regarded as a communist in which people followed a blessed man and lived by faith and work, regarded as religious fanatics and having the community destroyed by military troops. What was left of the Cauldron during the police loot went to the police station: a chair, a censer, three robes with the sacred heart of Jesus embroidered. "These pieces arrived in Ceará Museum, without location and information, in the 30s and 40s, as if it were not a priority to exhibit," comments Holanda.

Sérgio Villaça spoke about the purpose of the creation of Plácido Cidade Nuvens Paleontology Museum, "It was created to avoid the unleaded sangria of fossils," he said in his introduction. In addition, he spoke about the importance of the museum's extensive integration with Araripe Geopark and how fossils were part of this project and concluded by sharing with the audience the museum's great collection.

Mining and community relations - Sustainability

"What is sustainable development? ", This was one of the many questions made by Uruguayan Helga Chulepin to the students of Raimundo Saraiva Coelho Vocational School (RCP) in Juazeiro do Norte. As a Member of UNESCO Geoparks Council she visited the school, accompanied by her compatriot Denise Gorfinkel, from UNESCO Office, Brazil, along with Neuma Galvão, Coordinator of Environmental Education at Araripe Geopark. The school auditorium consisted of an audience of approximately 200 students, plus 2 coordinators, 12 teachers and the principal.

The theme of the lecture was "Mining and community relations - Sustainability", in which Neuma launched the GEA Terra Mãe 2019 with theme number 11 - Cities and Sustainable Communities, and commented on the importance of the project which Raimundo Saraiva Coelho participated.

Helga Chulepin discussed the importance of minerals in our life and the problems of extraction without due legal care, the impacts and consequences of these actions. She presented videos such as the Krenak Indians who had their habitat and the river they use for their needs compromised by the actions of Vale do Rio Doce company with the extraction of ores.

Other visual resources used were the removal of Cariri Stone, extracted for civil construction, in which among these tailings of the stone are fossils that must be preserved by the miners because they are historical patrimony. And finally, a video was presented on "What would we do without mining? "In which the world begins to decay itself, everything collapses and turns to dust: tables, clothes, asphalt, because all these objects have in their matter some mineral and the planet comes to regress to the stone age.

Chulepin used the audiovisual to instigate students to ask questions about the subject matter, to show participation and critical positioning. Students vibrated with the participation of colleagues in responding to the speaker's questions. They felt honored to receive the visit and learn from an Uruguayan on such a pertinent topic.

She also emphasized in her speech the environmental impacts of mining in the community, sustainable development goals, mining as a source of work and social responsibility, reinforcing that these are concepts that the community must know, and putting three pillars: Geopark, Mining and Community.

Equipe do GeoPark Araripe

Coordenador Executivo/Reitor da Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA)

José Patrício Pereira Melo


Francisco do Ó Lima Junior

Diretor Executivo

Nivaldo Soares de Almeida


Secretaria Executiva

Pedrina França Pereira



José Adriano Cruz Saraiva



Michel Macedo Marques

Sarah Menezes Pereira



Giane Taeko


Geoturismo e Desenvolvimento Territorial 

​Eduardo da Silva Guimarães

Jeanne Sidrim



Francisco Idalécio de Freitas

Rafael Celestino Soares

Geoeducação e e Educação Ambiental

Maria Neuma Clemente Galvão

Equipe de Preparação Geonews - 7ª edição/ 2018


Ana Patrícia Soares

Wendell Sousa Felipe

​Sarah Menezes

Chico Júnior


Michel Macedo Marques

Sarah Menezes 


Acervo GeoPark Araripe


Wendell Sousa Felipe

Erlânio Freire Barros


Maria Emilly de Freitas da Silva - Espanhol

Elis Maria Gomes Santana - Inglês



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